Just a few months after Lady Gaga released her "Born this Way" video, Weird Al Yankovic follows it with the spot on "Perform This Way" video. Its funny that Yankovic remains relevant long after some of the pop stars he's parodied. And just when you forget about him, there he is with another unexpected track like "Amish Paradise" or "White & Nerdy."
The Gaga parody isn't that unexpected, of course. Anyone that wears a meat dress can expect to be the butt of a few jokes. The video is really well done. Check out "Peform This Way" here. "Entertainment Weekly" also spoke to Al earlier this week about the track and his new album "Alpocalypse," which is out this week. He also takes on Taylor Swift, Bruno Mars, and Miley Cyrus. I'm particularly curious about his take on T.I.'s "Whatever You Like."
I first saw Weird Al do "Eat It" before I saw "Beat It". Never able to take Micheal Jackson seriously since. Go Al!
ReplyDeleteAl's video about "Don't Send Me That Crap" should be required viewing for every email user.